Nairobi Vinyl lovers

david sanders
Vinyl Spin master David Sanders

There are so many options to choose from on how to listen to music, such as mp3 and spotify. I keep asking myself, why is there still a significant number of vinyl lovers who still keep the vinyl music alive. It is proof to say that, vinyl didn’t die when Fadhili Williams did, and vinyl is still very much alive.

Jimmy Muragami Vinyl record seller

Every first Sunday of the month, Vinyl revelers convene at the Soiree gardens to enjoy some of the best early 90’s music. I love the Vinyl experience at ‘We Love Vinyl Worldwide, you are able to flip through the collection and appreciate he masterful work and go through the historical backdrop of the specific music you experience.

vinyl and beer
chill and enjoy vinyl with a lager

Moreover, the great thing is that you can share the music with a friend, partner as you down a glass of cold beer as you enjoy the music and ambiance of the Soiree Gardens.

Why we love vinyl?

  1. Your taste of music will improve: you won’t listen to airy, saccharine synthesized instrument. Once you start listening to vinyl, you listen to bands that are artistic and develop an ear for great music.
  2. You will be proud to own a hard copy music disk: – there is always something beautiful about buying music, unlike having music on virtual platforms that are trapped in a virtual space.
  3. Vinyl sounds real! Yes, you better believe, vinyl has what is called as lossless format. The audio production is not lost when compressing a record. Vinyl will sound as real as the producer intended it.

Being at We Love Vinyl Worldwide isn’t about just music; it is an experience worth paying a visit at.

vinyl poster
dates for the next vinyl

Join the We love Vinyl Worldwide for a social experience that will knock your socks off. Come buy share and exchange your vinyl classics. There is absolutely no restriction on genre.

vinyl itself
Vinyl Turntables being sold at the venue







Images Courtesy of: We love Vinyl Worldwide

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  1. 3
    jack Ojiambo

    Hope to see you ardent vinyl and curious fans this Sunday. Simple and concise article, S. We are part of a world wide revival. WLVW the thirteenth edition, coming to you from noon, 7th Feb 2015 at Soiree Garden Kindaruma RD ;). Thanks again S. Bigger and Better.

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