Artist Spotlight

Ngewa: Kasiva Mutua rhythmical tales on percussion

Ta! Ta! Ta! Tata! Tatatata! Praaaaaakaaadum! With every tap of the beat on the drum, it is an invitation, to a marvelous journey. The sounds [Read More…]

Events Review

Safaricom Jazz @ 5 gets a splash of electric female energy.

Femme Fusion electrifying performance at Safaricom Jazz @ 5 Safaricom Limited has a powerful slogan that says, great things happen when people come together. On [Read More…]

Artist Spotlight

Ngoma Zetu: Wacheza ngoma wetu

Celebrating our Eclectic Kenyan Drummers – [Part 1] In many parts of Africa, the drum is a popular instrument. It’s beat resonates with our heartbeat. [Read More…]


Shamsi Music : The Audition Album Review

With a spiritual-tinged demeanor, Shamsi music is currently the youngest jazz band in Kenya, they came together in 2014 as a recording and performing instrumental [Read More…]